Delayed Milestones
Low Tone
Milestone Check up
Global Developmental Delay
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Retained Primitive Reflexes
Difficulty with specific Gross Motor skill acquisition
Cerebral Palsy
Muscular Dystrophy
Genetic Conditions
(Down Syndrome; Rett Syndrome; Angelman Syndrome; Cri Du Chat Syndrome; Prader Willi Syndrome)
Injury/Fracture Management
Toe Walking
Sport Specific Conditioning and Injury Prevention
Mama's and Milestones
6 session 50 min Physiotherapy Gross Motor Class focused on Purposeful Play
Groups include:
Rollie Pollies (focus on Tummy time, rolling and sitting)
Inchworm (focus on sitting, transitions in and out of sitting and crawling)
Teeter Toddlers (focus on crawling, pull to stand, cruising, pre-walking skills)
Runs three times per year
Watch social media for Registration Information